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for us, this means bringing the social, ecological and economic aspects in line with each other.
We assume responsibility, not only for our economic actions, but also for the people and the environment involved in this. As brand manufacturer, and in particular as a family company, this is a matter close to our hearts and is a requirement to be successful in the long-term.

Your contact for any questions:

On focus

Botanica 1



Botanica 2

Our first completely biodegradable workwear

17th German Sustainability Award Finalist Our workpants e.s.botanica have been nominated as a finalist for the German Sustainability 2025 award. The pants were included under “Products” in the category “Value Chain”. We are thrilled to be nominated and for the recognition of our commitment to sustainability. ...
Fair Wear Foundation
We have been a member of the Fair Wear Foundation since 2016. The independent, non-profit organisation works with companies and production facilities to improve working conditions in the textile industry. This includes, among other things, independent inspections of our production facilities. In addition, Fair Wear operates complaint hotlines for workers in production. Through knowledge sharing and stakeholder dialogue, Fair Wear supports the work of its members. The multi-stakeholder initiative is supported by business associations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations. ...
Proudly made in Bangladesh 1
Proudly made in Bangladesh 2


Long-term success requires a sustainable approach and action on an economic, ecological and social level. We are thankful for the positive development that our company has undergone, and we owe this largely to the people who work in our companies, especially the people who make our products. And here, Bangladesh is of special importance for Strauss. Over the ...
Nothing is more sustainable than education! 1
Nothing is more sustainable than education! 2

First Chair for Sustainability and Textile Innovation

The campus in the paddies, located in Chattogram, is closely linked with a cooperative university project initiated by Strauss together with GIZ, a German corporation for international cooperation. Bangladesh’s textile sector is in a position to further improve by targeting more complex products that generate greater added value. This will also serve to foster ...
In cooperation with the Don Bosco Mission organisation, Strauss has completed the construction of a school in the northwest of Bangladesh. This was ceremoniously opened in February 2024 in the presence of CEO Steffen Strauss, a delegation from Germany, and Dr. Nelson Penedo, managing director of Don Bosco Mission in Bonn. The long-term goal of the project is to provide children and young people in Joypurhat and the surrounding villages with access to high-quality education with what the Don Bosco Strauss School has to offer. The school building currently accommodates around 500 girls and boys. A kindergarten as well as primary and middle schools are housed in various classrooms. Additionally, there are external sanitary facilities, a library, and a sick bay. With the pending completion, further classrooms for the high school will be added.  ...
Botanica 1



Botanica 2

Our first completely biodegradable workwear

17th German Sustainability Award Finalist Our workpants e.s.botanica have been nominated as a finalist for the German Sustainability 2025 award. The pants were included under “Products” in the category “Value Chain”. We are thrilled to be nominated and for the recognition of our commitment to sustainability. ...
Fair Wear Foundation
We have been a member of the Fair Wear Foundation since 2016. The independent, non-profit organisation works with companies and production facilities to improve working conditions in the textile industry. This includes, among other things, independent inspections of our production facilities. In addition, Fair Wear operates complaint hotlines for workers in production. Through knowledge sharing and stakeholder dialogue, Fair Wear supports the work of its members. The multi-stakeholder initiative is supported by business associations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations. ...


Highest quality standards

In addition to function and design, our understanding of product quality also includes aspects of safety, environmental sustainability and fairness. We therefore place emphasis on those aspects both during the development of our own collections and the compilation of our product ranges. As part of the continuous improvement of our products we are also looking for materials, which are produced in a more sustainable fashion.

Sustainability at the product level is closely connected to the durability of our products. Our workwear is durable and can be worn for a long time. Our new product development process takes durability into account as an important requirement and integrates this into corresponding product designs. When optimising existing products, we work in interdisciplinary teams and also with external ...
The bluesign® system not only evaluates product safety, but also environmental protection and occupational health and safety throughout the textile production chain. Instead of just testing the end product, the bluesign® system stipulates that components and procedures be examined at the product planning ...


Organic cotton

Several of our cotton items are made of organic cotton. In contrast to conventional cotton, the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers is prohibited for the cultivation of organic cotton. Due to the natural fertilisation, resulting in a higher humus content, the soil can store more water and CO₂. The risk of erosion is also reduced ...



Our first completely biodegradable workwear

17th German Sustainability Award Finalist Our workpants e.s.botanica have been nominated as a finalist for the German Sustainability 2025 award. The pants were included under “Products” in the category “Value Chain”. We are thrilled to be nominated and for the recognition of our commitment to ...



We are one of the first manufacturers on the market, to offer workwear made from recycled polyester. Polyester, a plastic compound made from the limited resource crude oil, can be recycled and reused for a wide range of applications. Through polyester recycling we are avoiding the use of new raw material and also reduce the amount of residual ...
Product safety 1


Product safety

Product safety 2
Quality is our top priority, including the ingredients used, which is why we require our production partners to adhere to the internationally recognised AFIRM restricted substances list (RSL). The AFIRM RSL combines the world’s strictest regulations and limits for chemicals, often exceeding them, to set industry standards. The RSL also aligns closely with the ...


Working in partnership

We manufacture our products in Europe and also in Asia and Africa - depending on the product category and specialisation of our partner companies, thereby offering long-term employment to many thousands of people. We have a bond of trust based on years of collaboration with many of our production partners.

We carefully select our international partners and suppliers. A pleasant and humane working environment at the production sites, as well as a considerate approach to nature are fundamental requirements.

Fair Wear Foundation
We have been a member of the Fair Wear Foundation since 2016. The independent, non-profit organisation works with companies and production facilities to improve working conditions in the textile industry. This includes, among other things, independent inspections of our production facilities. In addition, Fair Wear operates complaint hotlines for workers in production. Through knowledge sharing ...



The Strauss CI Factory was opened in Schlüchtern near our headquarters in 2020. On peak days, up to 50,000 parcels leave the CI Factory at the new logistics site destined for customers throughout Europe. Interlinking of state-of-the-art logistics and the production process allows the company to tap ...



We manufacture our products in more than 25 countries across the globe – in Europe, Africa and primarily in Asia. We also check compliance with human rights and labour rights for all existing, and especially new production countries. We also take national studies into account and talk to ...


Long-term success requires a sustainable approach and action on an economic, ecological and social level. We are thankful for the positive development that our company has undergone, and we owe this largely to the people who work in our companies, especially the people who make our products. And ...
Proudly made in Bangladesh


social report

It is important for us to provide a fair and safe working environment for the employees at our production sites. In our annual social report, we illustrate our commitment to this. We act to promote human rights, a fair wage and regulated working hours in our partner businesses – through regular audits, advice and training. Our years of close ...
Progres­sion 1



Progres­sion 2
We impose high standards on our production partners in terms of social standards and environmental protection. We therefore choose new business partners carefully and assist existing ones in their further development in line with our requirements. ...


Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
Humanity for us is an important company value and the basis for a successful cooperation. Furthermore we are convinced that long-term business success for Strauss as well as all associated production partners and suppliers can only be achieved through a considerate approach to nature and its resources. We have outlined in a Code of Conduct our clear statement on the observance of both aspects, ...
Humanity for us is an important company value and the basis for a successful cooperation. Furthermore we are convinced that long-term business ...
Strauss is a family-owned business. We see it as our responsibility to respect and promote human rights and environmental standards along the value chain. Together with our employees, suppliers, and partners, we work every day to strengthen human rights –we are especially committed to fair business practices and good working and living ...


Environmental awareness in all company departments

Particularly, as a family business we would like to leave future generations the same living conditions and resources that are available to us today. This environmental commitment we regard as a continuous and natural corporate responsibility. Step by step we promote new environmentally sustainable developments and ideas, from the careful selection of the raw materials to the virtual product manufacturing process through to logistics and the disposal of packaging.


Climate protection project in Northern Hessen

Strauss wants to increase its commitment to climate protection. This family company, that is managed by the fourth generation, is cooperating with the Federal Forestry Office to preserve 1000 beeches and oaks that are more than one hundred years old. The Strauss Forest is a 250-hectare large area and binds the annual CO2 footprint of around 5500 German citizens. ...


Resource protec­tion

The economical and efficient use of natural resources is a necessary requirement for the business of Strauss. To that effect we expect our international manufacturing partners to do the same by continuously optimising their processes and integrating environmental aspects into product development ...
Resource protec­tion


Animal welfare

At Strauss we acknowledge our responsibility for the welfare of animals within our sphere of activities and would like to promote their respectful handling. If any of our products contain elements of animal origin, we require our manufacturing partners to adhere to our animal welfare policy. Key ...
Animal welfare


Climate protec­tion

As a brand manufacturer our contribution to the protection of the climate is of particular importance to us. Climate protection for us means to not generate CO₂ emissions in the first instance wherever possible and to reduce or offset them if they are generated. Our emphasis in logistics, transport ...
Climate protec­tion


Commitment locally and worldwide

Above and beyond our entrepreneurial activities, we would like to make useful contributions to society. We have decided to focus our social commitments on education projects in developing and emerging countries: in particular we would like to make access to education easier for children of workers at our manufacturing sites, for example through the construction of school buildings and providing teaching materials. We do not have a fixed yearly budget for the money required for these projects, but decide the number of projects to support at our own discretion and personal beliefs. You are welcome to forward your enquiries to our charity and sponsoring team at

Nothing is more sustainable than education!

First Chair for Sustainability and Textile Innovation

The campus in the paddies, located in Chattogram, is closely linked with a cooperative university project initiated by Strauss together with GIZ, a German corporation for international cooperation. Bangladesh’s textile sector is in a position to further improve by targeting more complex products that generate greater added value. This will also serve to foster the country’s economic development ...
Strauss supports the work of the antonius gemeinsam Mensch foundation not far from our headquarters in Hessen, Germany. This is based on an inclusive concept that enables people with a disability to lead a self-determined life, improves their chances of making a good start in life, boosts their ...



Strauss funded the construction of a new secondary school near its manufacturing site in Laos. The school project was initiated by the organisation 'Angels for Children' (AfC). Angels for Children (AfC) help children in Laos to get a school education and organise the construction and maintenance of ...
In cooperation with the Don Bosco Mission organisation, Strauss has completed the construction of a school in the northwest of Bangladesh. This was ceremoniously opened in February 2024 in the presence of CEO Steffen Strauss, a delegation from Germany, and Dr. Nelson Penedo, managing director of ...



The Strauss family has made a private donation to help Strauss, who is working with TARGET e.V., to build a health station deep in the Brazilian ...
social report
social report

social report

The further development of social and environmental standards in the manufacturing of our products is our fundamental concern.
Henning Strauss

We take responsibility

It is important for us to provide a fair and safe working environment for the employees at our production sites. In our annual social report, we illustrate our commitment to this. We act to promote human rights, a fair wage and regulated working hours in our partner businesses – through regular audits, advice and training. Our years of close collaboration with all involved in the supply chain serve as the lever. At the same time, we understand that constant scrutiny is still needed. Creating good labour and environmental standards is a permanent challenge that requires the engagement of all of the companies operating in the sector.

Strauss now accounts for a large share of overall capacity in many partner businesses. With this comes both influence and responsibility. As Strauss grows, so too does our responsibility and commitment to all of the people and environmental resources that are impacted by our actions. We shoulder this responsibility by raising issues and helping to shape public debate on the basis of our values - in a practical way and not just through lip service.

social report 2023

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social report 2022

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social report 2021/22

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social report 2020/21

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social report 2019/20

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social report 2018

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