Bachelor degree - Biebergemünd | Headquarter

Business administration - BWL (Bachelor of Arts) (BACHELOR OF ARTS)

Dynamic styles and forward-thinking designs - experience the world of work from a completely new perspective! engelbert strauss, with its 1000-strong workforce, is Europe's leading supplier of trend-setting workwear. Become a part of our team in Biebergemünd. Apply for our dual study programme now!

Are you interested in business management, international procurement markets and technological commercial developments? Then this is the right dual study program for you!

Your responsibilities...

...the broad-based apprenticeship means that you can assume a number of positions in the company e.g.:

  • textile purchasing
  • space and assortment planning
  • development of sales strategies and other marketing tasks
  • planning and realising own projects

Select a major subject in which you can develop your area of expertise:


Study location:

DHBW Mosbach

Degree course:

You specifically study the following subjects

  • Commercial and service-specific know-how
  • Sales training, presentation training
  • Project management
  • Method and social skills
  • Business management e.g. mathematics, accounting, material management, Marketing, financing, HR
  • Economics
  • Law


Study location:

BA Rhein-Main

Degree course:

You specifically study the following subjects

  • Business management e.g. mathematics, accounting, material management, Marketing, financing, HR
  • Communication and company psychology
  • Method and social skills
  • Project management
  • Economics
  • Law
  • Business English

Medium-sized company management

Study location:

BA Fulda

Degree course:

You specifically study the following subjects

  • Start-up management
  • Medium-sized company law
  • Innovation management medium-sized companies
  • Company psychology medium-sized companies
  • Management techniques in medium-sized companies
  • Business management e.g. mathematics, accounting, material management, marketing, financing, HR
  • Economics
  • Business English

Training lasts 3 years

Your work area...

...the general nature of this apprenticeship means that you can work in many different commercial areas, e.g. in purchasing, marketing, sales and lots more.

Your profile - you...

  • interested in business management.
  • like working with products and goods.
  • flexible, a team player, can cope well under stress, friendly, dedicated and creative.
  • like taking responsibility and working independently.
  • passed your A-levels with good grades and speak good English.
  • always give 100%, are motivated and live in the world of engelbert strauss.

Follow your instinct. Apply now!

Some of our many highlights at e.s.

  • Good chance of being taken on with great future prospects
  • multi-month semester abroad in an English-speaking country
  • Professional product training courses
  • possible completion of a trainer licence
  • Organise and realise own projects
  • and lots more!

Deine Daten kannst du uns schnell und einfach über unser Online-Formular unter "Jetzt bewerben" zukommen lassen.

Das sollte deine Bewerbung beinhalten:

  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf (gerne mit Lichtbild)
  • letzten drei Zeugnisse
  • evtl. Praktikabescheinigungen
  • evtl. Zertifikate
  • Du willst dir einen Spot in der Studi-WG sichern? Lass es uns in deiner Bewerbung direkt wissen! Hier erfährst du mehr.

Alternativ kannst du uns deine Bewerbungsunterlagen auch klassisch per Post zuschicken:

Engelbert Strauss GmbH & Co. KG
HR - Human Relations
Frankfurter Straße 98-102
63599 Biebergemünd, Germany

Du hast Fragen? Dann melde dich gerne bei:

Pia Desch oder Caroline Kröffges
0 60 50 / 97 10 3003

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